Board of Directors
Daniel L. Otto
Daniel Day
Paige Hashman
Vice President
Emily Byers
Tresa Thomas
Amy Spurrier
Evan Cuomo
Brandy Puskarich
Joan Brown
Wuela Heceta
Congratulations to all recipients today at The Anthony Paesano Brooke County Scholarship Foundation and a very special congratulations from The Wellsburg Chamber of Commerce to Johnna Lahita who recieved our $1000 Chamber Scholarship.
Wellsburg Chamber of Commerce 2024 Membership Dues
Businesses, Organizations & Churches: $90 yearly
Membership benefits include, but are not limited to:
Ribbon Cutting with media coverage
Business After Hours for monthly business networking opportunities
Education opportunities through Lunch & Learn Events.
The Chamber also has several opportunities to promote our member’s businesses:
Wellsburg Chamber website – offers a free listing for all members.
The Chamber Facebook page & website offers Featured Business of the month by highlighting your business in a slideshow or video as well as linking your website or Facebook page.
Special Events with sponsorship levels to promote your business:
Wellsburg 4th of July Celebration
Wellsburg Applefest
Wellsburg Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade